Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Summer Cold Survival Guide

*Insert lame apology for another long absence partially due to illness*.  Okay, I think I've mentioned before how I suck at handling any kind of illness but summer colds are like top shelf kinda stuff. Imagine, gang, the house is 80 degrees, you feel like you've swallowed a razor blade and hot sauce cocktail, the world is basically coming to an end. What is one to do? Well, I have decided to compile a list of the things I've found key to surviving the horrors of such an ailment.

1. Netflix, Netflix, Netflix. You're gonna need some distraction from your suffering and Netflix'll give you everything from Pokemon to period dramas right at your finger tips.

2. Enough soup to fill a bathtub. I opted the kind that comes in a cup because when you're ill can openers are a no.

3. Animal Crossing. Soothing music, friendly neighbors, boring chores,  it's just the ticket for reminding you what life is like for the healthy.

4. A trip down the Youtube pit. I swear, that website is like a black hole sometimes. Recently I've been binging on E3 and Splatoon walk throughs.

5. Keep a pet (or at least a stuffy) around for cuddling. When your fever or is high and the end seems at hand you're gonna need something to hug.

6. A family member to be your personal butler. Just somebody to get you juice and tissues and all that jazz. Be careful you don't milk the situation though because then you won't have anybody to fetch and carry for you next time you find yourself feeling under the weather.

7. Don't underestimate the healing power of a slurpee. Those things are magic I tell ya.  

8. Keep your electronics charged. There's nothing worse than falling down the Youtube pit only to have your device die halfway into a video.

9. Stay the away from Facebook. You're suffering enough as it is, you do not need that nonsense in your life right now.

10. Sleep it off. Make sure you have lots of comfy pillows and get some rest.

Well, that's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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