Monday, July 13, 2015

Heat Waves & Day Dreams

Summer is in full swing here in the sunshine state. If July were a person I imagine she'd be an awful show off (yes, July is a girl), she rides in on a tropical depression, she's a pyromaniac and insists on a fireworks show to celebrate her arrival; she's a real diva that one. But still everyone loves her because, annoying as she may, be she knows how to throw some great parties. 'Round these parts the heat drives us all inside and makes us wanna hibernate, it's a great time of year to catch up on Netflix. Next year, however I'd like to drive across America with my best friend the way kids my age do in movies and YA novels. I plan on finding a small town to settle down in when the trip is done where people can have weird jobs that don't necessarily advance society but make them happy. Does such a place really exist? Probably not. Would I move there if it did? Not likely, I'd get lonely without my family. Will such a trip even actually happen? Signs point to no but I'll leave it in the hands of fate. But hey, a girl can dream. To be real with you, gang, such dreams probably fill my head because I haven't left the state in eight years and while I love my home I'm getting kinda stir crazy and I'd really like to see some more of the world before I'm in the dirt. Honestly I'd really just be happy with leaving the house a little more but that, my friends, is a rant for another time. That's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby 

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