Friday, April 17, 2015

Choking On Hourglass Sand

Thus far we had managed to go without any April showers in my corner of the sunshine state, until today that is. As I've said before, when there's a thunder storm down here it's on a biblical level. I hate this weather, gang, even since I was little thunder storms have scared the living heck out of me. That may or may not have something to do with a couple of hurricanes messing shiz up during my developmental years. Summer has once again come early to my part of the universe, searing heat, storms that have me wanting to pack everybody up in an ark, all that lovely jazz. Generally I haven't been a fan of summer since I was little and the change of seasons meant family cookouts and plenty of pool time. Right now everything past summer is a black hole of uncertainty and terror. I wish everything would just slow the heck down, it's like Father Time's dragging me along on one of those backpack leashes and I'm screaming, and digging in my heels, and just generally throwing an, "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" sort of tantrum. I'm supposed to have at least a vague plan for the future, something that includes a job, a major, and eventually the white picket fence cliche. You know that bit in Aladdin where Jasmine gets trapped in the giant hourglass and the sand is threatening to suffocate her? That's sorta how I feel. But Aladdin isn't going to come along and break me out and save the day, this one's on me. Oh hey, I finally finished the first Pendragon book a couple of days ago, it was good, I'll probably read the next one, nothing extraordinary. Now I'm back where I was a little while ago when my only reading options were rereads or the end of different series. A trip to the library is in order. That's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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