Friday, April 24, 2015

Notes From A Couchridden Convalescent

Once again we have a huge gap between entries, this time due to the fact that I have fallen ill. Well, I got sick on Sunday and I've been spending the whole week convalescing. I won't go into gruesome details. I, like any person with sense in their head, hate being sick. But whenever I get actually properly sick I get seriously sick. We're talking bedridden, the whole nine yards, gang. I forget what it's like to not be sick, surely there can't be anything beyond such an illness, it's the end for me, time to decide who my books go to when I'm gone. Only now am I seeing the light at the end of this terrible dark tunnel. You know how when you stick one of those fizzy bath bombs in water they sorta just dissolve into nothingness? That's sorta how I feel. Another reason I hate being sick is that I end up looking like something out of a horror movie, I'm already awfully pale so when the nights are filled with sneezing instead of sleeping the dark circles under my eyes get real, as does the rest of the struggle. Also I can't wait to have real food again; days have been filled with Gatorade, Cup Of Soups, and Italian Ice. According the the doctor I should be better by Monday. I shall count the minutes until I can arise from under a mountain of tissues and go out in the sunshine again. That's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby      

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