Wednesday, August 26, 2015

In Which A Storm Is Coming

There's a hurricane coming. That's not a metaphor or anything, there is an actual hurricane that's going to hit Florida on Sunday. I, of course, spent the whole night having a panic attack about it. It is now the mid morning, I watched the sunrise slowly light up my room as I waited for dreams that didn't come. I have now given up on sleeping today. I decided to have breakfast, play a little New Leaf, and read a good chunk of the last book in what I call the My Name Is Chloe series even though the real name is Diary Of A Teenage Girl. It's tough stuff, my friends, I've been reading these books since I was but a wee freshman and now my journey with Chloe is coming to a close. These books are some of the only Christian fiction I've read and by far my favorite in the genre so I feel like I'm really loosing something here. I feel like a lot of Christian authors kinda wear badges saying "2 HOLY 4 U", they don't feel down to earth and their characters just aren't relatable. I dunno, guys. I mean, it's hard to work faith into writing, I get that, I really and truly do. Anyways, once again reading the adventures of my home girl has me thinking more about my spiritual life and how it's basically in the toilet, how I have had zero fellowship in the past year, and how badly I seriously need to find a church I'm comfortable at. Even if I was being the perfect poster child for Christianity and reading the bible and praying a million times a day I'd still need a spiritual support system. Never underestimate the importance of getting to church, gang. It's like with this hurricane that's coming; sometimes life throws a whole storm of nonsense our way and it all breaks our little spiritual forts, and that's where a church family can come in, just like a state farm agent a good church will have you covered while you clean up the mess that worldly forces have made of your spiritual life. (Heh, state farm, that's funny because we're supposed to love our neighbors (forgive me, I haven't slept)). But anyways, fingers crossed this hurricane doesn't sweep my little coastal town off the map like Frances and some other ones I can't remember the names of tried their best to. That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much love, Gabby   

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