Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Things I Did This Summer (And A Funky Looking Pikachu)

Here is a list of things I did this summer.

1. Fell further into the Pokemon pit.

2. Found out there's an L in Ghibli and that I've been spelling/pronouncing it wrong this whole time.

3. Watched way too many Splatoon walkthroughs

4. Started reading Yotsuba&! (the cutest little manga ever).

5. Watched subbed anime for the first time/got pretty okay at reading subs.

6. Spent way too much time on the internet.

7. Didn't write.

8. Drew this funky looking Pikachu. 

9. Finished watching InuYasha and cried a lot (have I already mentioned this?).

10. Read like 20 some odd books in July (a lot of which were manga).

11. Just realized I know how to say "I'm curious" in Japanese thanks to the subbed anime.

12. Watched a few crappy old movies on Netflix.

13. Just realized how much of this stuff has ties to Japan.

14. Realized just how little I did this summer.

Well, that's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much love, Gabby

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