Saturday, May 2, 2015

Race Horses And Loading Screens

Is it really already May? This year is getting away from me faster than a hyperactive five year old on a sugar high. My days have been filled with unremarkable nothings, a bit of reading, a lot of Animal Crossing, many episodes of House Hunters, etc. "Unremarkable nothings" probably sounds like something a student would put in an essay when trying to hit word count but I am fond of simple things and have been known to take pleasure in the right sort of nothing. I feel like such of nothings are a rarity these days and a true and proper something is practically confined to fiction. To put it plainly, life is boring, gang. I suppose it's just that time of year where nothing is really happening and everyone is putting all their hopes and dreams toward a perfect summer when in reality they'll all just end up going about their regular routines. I find summer to be an overrated season and really don't understand people's tendency to romanticize it. It's like June and July are race horses that people wait all year to bet their happiness on. Oh, I've finally gathered the courage to read the last Artemis Fowl book. I've heard this one's a real heart breaker so I shall have to see about getting some tissues as well as finding a rebound book. Just once I'd like to read something that wasn't emotionally traumatic in any way. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the writing, characters, and world of the Artemis books so it's going to be a serious bummer when it's all over. It's always a pity when you reach that last page and realize that in that world, with those characters, there are no more adventures to be had. Sometimes I feel like life's like that too. There's so much cool stuff to do in the world but I feel like most of us won't ever get the chance to do any of it. It's like getting all jazzed to play Age Of Empires or something only to get stuck at the loading screen forever. (Does that make any sense? Probably not). I know my example is seriously antiquated but those games were the coolest. I think we still have a couple of them somewhere...I should see if they work on this old laptop of mine. That's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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