Friday, May 15, 2015

A Pile Of Mildly Interesting Things

Things have happened, gang. Not very interesting things but I figured if I let them all pile up after a while they'd amount to something mildly interesting. Firstly I take back everything I said about Payless being a window into tennis shoe heaven; it is, in fact, more like a cat door, I can see what's there but I can't get to the other side. Of course I had to be in between sizes, naturally they didn't have a seven and a halves, and it made perfect sense that every pair I went to try on had one of those security things latched on to one shoe so they were impossible to lace up. I am trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll have to wear ugly slip ons that look like something out of Zenon because of my gosh danged flat feet. In other news Mothers Day is a thing that happened and a very nice time was had. Myself, mother of mine, and the sibs packed into the car to go to a green market by the by some water in another town. Window shopping was done, the ladies of the family got matching necklaces (I suggested my brother get a carved wooden turtle to commemorate the occasion but no dice), and a walk was taken on a boardwalk sort of thing that lead nowhere where I carved Bad Wolf into the railing with my house key. All in all it was a pleasant sort of day and apparently we're going back that way again this weekend to check out a flea market. Also earlier this week I was organizing my brother's video game collection (which he didn't ask/want me to do but I did anyway) and I  found our Gameboy SP chargers. Once my pink one that was a gift from my grandparents was charged I indulged in a bit of retro gaming by playing my old favorite, Dogz. When I tell you I spent months worth of time over the years training pixelated puppies in this game it probably isn't an overstatement. I was impressed to see I actually still really enjoyed it. The setting in the some random Japanese town and chibi graphics mix in a really charming kawaii overload sort of way. Speaking of kawaii today I said to myself, "You know what, self? I'm running out of shows to watch, Pokemon is on Netflix, let's do this!". To which I then replied, "Why? Why are you such a five year old?". Let me tell you I wasn't instantly on the train. I ended up texting a friend about it. And I quote,
I have so much to do today that I started watching Pokemon.

It's one of the dumbest shows I've ever seen.

I'm on episode six.

I am now on episode 20 or so. I took a tumble down the rabbit hole, gang, and it looks like I'll be floating around in this black hole for a while. The reason I started Pokemon aside from sheer boredom? I finally finished the very last Artemis Fowl and now I have nothing to read again. During this I was in the waiting room of a doctors office surrounded by judgmental snow birds so I couldn't shed any tears; but in all honesty, peeps, it didn't traumatize me as much as I had expected it to. Perhaps that was because I'd had the ending spoiled a bit for me and knew how things would pan out? Maybe it had something to do with me being jaded by endings of various other series? Who can really say? I must say this though, I'm very depressed that there are no more new adventures to be had with Arty and company. Artemis was with me through some real dark times and I'm sure gonna miss reading about my favorite criminally inclined genius. Well, that's gonna be it for now, gang. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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