Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The People You See In Payless

Whenever a trip to any kind of clothing store is taken and I find the  exact thing I have been searching for for a dogs age two things happen: 1. I don't have any money. 2. My mother isn't with me so I can't ask her for said thing if it's something I need. Today it was tennis shoes in Payless. Finding shoes is a great challenge for me, I have flat feet that hurt like I'm 80 years old so finding something nice and comfy that is also cute is the struggle. And then today I was there with my sister (who walked out with a very cute pair of flats that I am muchly jealous of) and it was like the clouds parted and I caught a glimpse of tennis shoe heaven. They were all squishy, cute, and on sale. I, of course, didn't have a penny on me, nor the proper time to find the right fit (because in addition to my feet being flat they are also wide, I'm basically a duck). But what truly made this detour to Payless noteworthy were the people that were there. Let's start at the beginning. My sister and I entered the store and she went straight for the tiny shoes because she's got the feet of Cinderella; said aisle was half women's shoes and half children's and there was a mother and son shopping for sneakers, nothing wrong with that, but then things took a turn for the odd and exasperating. Firstly the kid was whizzing around the store like Speedy Gonzales, which is perhaps would be forgivable if the store weren't so tiny and he didn't almost crash into everyone in it... Secondly there was the fact that these people were foreign, nothing wrong with that either, but the kind of nasty foreign people who cut lines at Disney world and make salespeople's lives a living hell. The mother kept speaking in this throaty language that I at first thought was German, and then something middle eastern, and then my sister guessed it was South American in origin. And I was having such a tiring day and was so mentally sapped that it took everything in me not to crack up because whatever language this was sounded completely ridiculous, like something out of Star Trek perhaps. And then when I moved on to look in my size in came a mother and teeny bopper daughter. I was just minding my own, lookin' at shoes, and this nasty English lady gave me the dirtiest look for no reason whatsoever. Perhaps she could read my mind because she said something to her daughter like, "Not those, you'll look like Minnie Mouse" and I thought to myself, "The heck is wrong with looking like Minnie???". Finally my sister decided to check out. The line was very slow going thanks to some kinda something wrong with the card machine and the first nasty foreign lady antagonized the life out of the poor girl behind the counter. Then the same problem occurred while my sister was checking out and I was sorta roaming around the store looking at things and this woman in line behind us was starring at me with her mouth open wide like I had just bitten the head off a live puppy. Trust me, gang, if it weren't for all those glorious tennis shoes I wouldn't be going back to Payless for a long long time. That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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