Friday, March 27, 2015

Night Of The Creepy Crawler

Last night at 3 AM the air was thick with the scent of Old Spice and hairspray and an aura of panic hung over all those awake at the ungodly hour. My brother and I were just trying to watch some anime, we were blissfully unaware that while we watched Inuyasha battle demons a real life monster lurked in the shadows just waiting for a chance to pounce. When my brother told me he had a string or something on his foot I instantly tensed, when he started hopping around frantically I knew, there was a roach in the room. Being the brave warrior that I am I fled to the other side of the room, commanded my brother to throw the door open, and ran like Sonic The Hedgehog to the kitchen. "But, Gabby, it's just a bug!" you say. Nah, gang, if that's your reaction you don't know about the monsters down here in the south. These things are devil spawn, man. If they go for somebody you better get your butt in gear and hightail it outta there. My brother kept trying to get my assistance in the hunt, which I naturally refused to give, so we ended up having a whisper shout fight in the kitchen until I could bolt to my room. He later poked his head in to inform me that he had vanquished the enemy and also that he hated me. The worst bit is not that I will have to deal with the grudge I have no doubt my brother won't let go of for a few days or even years, no, it's the fact that I had to go retrieve my laptop I had left at the scene of the crime. I have no idea if that nasty little creature crawled on this thing, hopefully the cleaning I gave it will keep any deadly germs from sticking around. I learned  something from all this, dear readers, I learned that when push comes to shove I can run like, well not the Flash, but perhaps Kid Flash? That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby      

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