Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Proverbial Light (Or The Dapper Dilemma)

Last night at 4 AM I wrote something in my notebook that I forgot about until this afternoon, I couldn't remember what it was but I was sure it was super duper deep...In my special Disney world leather notebook in very fancy writing it said, "My life is a big box of honey bunches of nopes". That's basically a perfect summary of how things have been going lately. You remember those brownies? Well if a sponge and gum had a chocolate flavored baby that would be them. They're still sitting on the stove bringing shame upon me. In the midst of my series of unfortunate events that I shan't bother going into detail about there shines a great proverbial light in the distance. The distance is exactly a week from today, the light is the fireworks of Disney world. I'm going next weekend with my sister and my oldest friend for Dapper Day, and I must confess gang, even that's got me nervous. If you're not familiar with it Dapper Day is an event that takes place in Magic Kingdom and Disneyland in March and then again at Hollywood Studios and Disneyland again in the fall at some point, during this time people come from all over decked out in their vintage Sunday best. Wigs are bought, months are spent looking for the perfect dress, and there's winged eyeliner as far as the eye can see. I've never been especially great at hair and makeup, gang, and though  my friend who is a professional  makeup artist is going to take care of all that for me my mind is not completely at ease, for you see there is still the matter of finding something to wear. I haven't really got anything appropriate for old school fanciness. I mean, I've got a dress but no shoes or anything, and the chances of finding a fairy godmother to take care of it in this day and age are slim to none. I'm sure we'll have a grand old time, it's Disney for goodness sakes, but I can't help but worry that I'll end up looking like a potato next to the rest of my group and my sister's friends that we're meeting there. I know this is the kind of shallow first world problem stuff that's extremely annoying to hear about but it's a dilemma in Gabby world. My sister assured me that all the people who go are nice and nobody'll rag on you for what you wear but I really don't want to feel like a ragamuffin amongst a bunch of people who look like they walked out of an Audrey Hepburn movie. I was planning on wearing my hair in pigtails with a '50s style dress I've had sitting in the back of my closet, if everyone else was going to look glamorous I could at least be the cutesy one, and then it didn't fit and I cursed the forces of the universe for once again working against my favor. Now it seems I'll be wearing this odd Chinese looking dress which is much more formfitting than I would like, that is to say it doesn't have the preferred twirlablity (I assure you I don't be walking around Disney in anything scandalous), and it doesn't really sleeves and I'm not very found of the way my arms look and I also tend to get cold. First world problems abound like woodland creatures in a princess movie. And now I must journey to the airport to be a part of my Titi's welcome home party. That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby   

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