Monday, March 2, 2015

A Great Victory & The Ice Queen Incident

Happy March, gang! May it be a less dreary month than its predecessor. So, good people of the internet, I am very proud and more than slightly shocked to report that I read a grand total of 14 books last month! Okay, granted three were comic books and another four were manga but I'mma count 'em anyways. 14 books, guys! I will probably not be matching that anytime soon (if ever) so I'm taking this chance to revel in my victory. Some other things have happened during my absence. For instance during a trip to Walmart I heard a father telling his children, "Elsa isn't real! Thank God". Needless to say his daughter who couldn't have been older than eight was crushed, this news led to her brother proclaiming his hatred of Elsa and the sister proclaiming her hatred of him. That day in Walmart the dreams of a young child, a pillow display, and a brother/sister relationship were destroyed. I could write a book filled with the weird things I witness in Walmart. One time there was this lady with a purse shaped like a chicken... Anyways, the last of the books I finished was a fantasy called Jinx by Sage Blackwood ( which is seriously the pen name-yest of pen names) and I loved it. The setting, characters, and writing were all primo. The magic system was interesting, the protagonist wasn't out shined by the side characters (a problem I have with a lot of books), and the world in which the book was set had an overall eeriness about it that kept my eyes glued to the pages. I can't wait to read the sequel. That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby      

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