Monday, February 23, 2015

About Balloons

Yesterday I was talking to my mother and I recalled her telling me to write a power ballad about my feelings on the subject but I couldn't recall what the subject was. I now remember though I still don't know why she thought writing a power ballad was the best method of expressing my emotions. Yesterday as we were leaving Publix I saw a Valentines balloon that had floated to the ceiling and gotten caught on a metal beam, the sight of made me very sad. I know most people don't really think about those balloons but my tendency to over think things made it a very depressing thing indeed. Just think about all the balloons that float to the ceiling, they're never going to be someone's get well present or whatever their print intended them to be, they'll never bring joy into anyone's life, they'll never fulfill their purpose in this world. They'll just sit there caught on those metal beams until they deflate. All that wasted potential, man. I told my mother that those balloons have always made me sad, ever since I was little, it's only now that I can eloquently express my feelings regarding them. That's it for now. Until next time, gang. Much Love, Gabby 

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