Friday, February 20, 2015

Lost Without Wifi

Today my wifi was out and I realized just how much of my life revolves around the internet, then I got really depressed by that fact... I'm young, I should be outside breathing fresh air, and seeing new places, and having adventures darn it! But I'm home on the couch trying to figure out where this post is going because my brain is totally blank at the moment. Do any of y'all ever feel a very strong desire to write but once you actually start writing you just feel like giving up and going to bed? That's about me right now, gang. I was thinking about perhaps doing a Q and A on here but I'm not exactly sure how many readers I've got at the moment, after all I only started this blog a month ago, but if you've got anything you wanna know don't forget there's a comment section at the end of every post. I am very much in want of inspiration right now, I need to read some great books, I need to see some awesome movies, I need fuel for that finicky muse of mine. I'm just feeling wiped out, guys. Some stuff went down yesterday and it left me feeling seriously drained. My energy and hope meters are running dangerously low at the moment. The temperatures have continued to plummet and so have my zen levels. It's like winter is making up for all of our normally mild and pleasant weather by giving south Florida a serious beat down before spring takes over. I'm gonna wrap this up for now, I'll wait until I actually have something to write about to post again. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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