Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Punk Rock Is Dead And The Clones Are Attacking

Recently after my mini spiritual awakening I decided to get some Christian tunes on my spotify. I'm rather ashamed to admit that I didn't have any Christian music anywhere on it and not really any on my iTunes either in the past year.
After fleeing the great and terrible mega church I was going to last year I found myself seriously fed up with a lot of songs, I guess I associated them with bad memories. Now I found myself with very few limits, nobody helped me make this playlist so I didn't have anybody hovering over my shoulder telling me to get this or that, it was just me and the tunes. I mentioned this in my previous entry but apparently my taste in worship tends to lean more towards punk rock. Relient K, some Stellar Kart, Hawk Nelson, that kinda old school stuff. I dunno why but I find myself kinda drawn to it, I love how it sort of aggressively proclaims all about the love of God. Now I do like more chilled out stuff, I really dig old Newsboys song from back before they changed their lead singer, The Afters are cool as well. And just in general I tend to listen to more relaxed music, but with worship I guess I tend to like something that really gets my blood pumping, especially since slower song in the Christian category tend to be a little mournful. I love how these songs acknowledge both how sucky life is and how awesome God can make it. And also they're not afraid to say how even with God on your side it ain't all sunshine and fun times. The unfortunate part of my rediscovery of this stuff is that right now this kind of music is dead as a doornail. Seriously, what happened to Christian music? When did it become all oohing and ahhing and comparing God to stupid stuff like rocks and fire? I remember one of the last times I went to my old church and they played this one song that declared "THE ROCK WON'T MOVE!" about 50 times and being the sarcastic little crud that I am I leaned over to my friend and whispered, "This is the most inspirational song about Dwayne Johnson I've ever heard". Let me tell you we started cackling. I know, it was an awful thing to do, especially right there in the middle of church. Trust me, I've asked God's forgiveness on that one. I just don't understand when worship became so generic. I'm not trying to be cool or modern here either, I think the old hymns from way way back in the day are just dandy if you play with the arrangement a little. The lyrics actually used to mean something. I know the world isn't perfect and my vision for a church where maxi skirts for girls and plaid button downs for guys aren't a mandatory dress code that'll get you funny looks if you don't obey isn't realistic, but it's something to try for, man. I mean, how're things supposed to get better if we don't try and change them? I'm not saying it's wrong to dress this way, that you're not allowed to like your Starbucks and get excited when a new Hillsong CD comes out. But the thing of it is that a lot of people right now tend to believe that's how Christians are SUPPOSED to be, and that you're wrong or weird or somehow less holy if you aren't. I personally believe that if you're a Christian the only one you're supposed to be like is Jesus. I don't know how this became a rant about the church's attack of the clones, but my point is that you should never feel bad for just being yourself. No matter what you wear or where you drink your coffee Jesus loves you. That's gonna be it for now, guys. Until next time. Much Love, Gabby

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