Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Things I've Learned

Today my muse is not with me but I still want to write so I shall make a list of some random things I have learned recently.

1. When you buy Haribro gummy bears the green ones are apparently strawberry and not lime. The red ones are raspberry.

2. You should never buy anything in Times Square because even a sweet tea from Mickey D's costs an insane amount of money, so instead you should go "around the corner" to a little pizza place called Mario's. I overheard a guy telling his friend this while I was waiting for a pizza.

3. According to my brother my Matthew McConaughey impression sounds like Forrest Gump.

4. There is a fun punk rock cover of Do Want To Build A Snowman by Stellar Kart and a depressing not punk rock one by Jasmine Thompson.

5. The choreographers for Mary Poppins were a married couple. How sweet is that?

6. Apparently you have a better chance of getting a manga published in Japan than winning the lottery.

7. Also apparently my taste in Christian music tends to lean more toward punk rock or old school.

8. I did not learn what my friend Grace's belated birthday gift to me is (but I think I know).

That's gonna be it for now, gang. Hopefully I'll have another proper entry up soon. Much Love, Gabby

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